How can find your store?
Our store is located in Peristeri city on Thucydide 2 road right on metro Peristeri station.
Working hours of the store?
Our store is open Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00.
How can send a device for service?
You can send your device for service from our store or if your location is outside Athens you can send it with Elta courier.
Please put inside the box detailed report of the mulfunction of the device with your personal details.
How can make a new order?
You can make it through our eshop or by phone calling us at +30 210 5757555.
How long it takes to send my order?
Fast shipping is top priority for us. We ship same or next day if the products are in stock or after receiving the goods from our suppliers.
After we send your order you should receive it after 1-7 days depending your location.